Astrology is the ancient language of listening to the movements of the heavens and how those energies influence our lives here on Earth. Royalty has always had an astrologer on staff to advise them in making decisions and governments today do as well though it’s not well publicized. Working with the planetary energies which are in constant movement can help to understand and harness the energies at play as well as project the perfect timing to launch a project, business, a marriage or other form of union. The can also help advise us of what to be aware of so we may prepare (in some cases - Uranus is always a surprise!) for more challenging times.

I was introduced to Astrology by my mother when I was 11 and have been dedicated to studying the movements of the stars for 24 years now. I am an evolutionary astrologer and for those that may already have some basic understanding, I am a Scorpion Sun conjunct Uranus (1 degree orb) with my natal Mercury in Scorpio as well. With 3 planets in Scorpio and two of them (Uranus and Mercury) related to communication, both basic (Mercury) and higher channeling (Uranus), I deeply understand the subconscious realms and find great honor and excitement in guiding people through them and teaching how to alchemize energies. My Ascendant, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Pluto and Black Moon Lilith are all in Libra lending to a very Venusian expression. I deeply understand and feel balance and harmony while conversely can illuminate when energies are not in balance nor harmony. I am also a Reflector in Human Design, which amplifies this gift. My Moon is in Aries, I am fiercely expressive with my emotions and my passion tends to inspire others into their own empowerment of “I am”. For those who may understand a deeper layer of Astrology, my Mars is in Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center, the heart of the Milky Way; I am a potent channel for expanded cosmic information and knowledge. It is my pleasure to offer my knowledge and channeling to those who wish to dive deeper into their understanding of self purpose and evolution.



In this session we will look into various elements within your chart that dictate your exchange with the world around you. Illuminating these aspects will provide insight into the best career path for your unique energetic signature and illuminate ways of inviting more organic flow of resources into your life. We will focus on the state of your Venus, Jupiter, Part of Fortune, Midheaven and 2nd, 8th and 10th houses respectively considering the current planetary transits and also look at upcoming eclipses and if they may play a part in your financial state.

Energy Exchange: $90 USD // $1000 MX residents


In this session, we will consider various elements within your chart that speak to the subconscious energetic imprints you soul incarnated into. Illuminating these aspects will serve as a guide to how you can best work with the hidden gifts and wounds that exist within your unique energetic signature. We will focus on the state of your Pluto, Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, North Node and South Node along with your 8th house and how they weave with the rest of your chart. We will look at your natal chart and take into consideration how they are being activated by the current collective planetary transits.

Energy Exchange: $90 USD // $1000 MX residents


In this session we will consider the various elements that contribute to how you best relate to others and clarify the energies you need to feel contentment, harmony and balance within all your relations, not limited to romance. We will focus your Venus, Mercury, Mars, Juno, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th houses considering the current planetary transits.

Energy Exchange: $90 USD // $1000 MX residents


Every year collectively we experience 4-5 eclipses: generally 2 Solar and 2 Lunar spread approximately 6 months apart. Eclipses bestow major changes both collectively and individually pending where they fall in your natal chart and what personal planets they activate. In 2024 we will experience eclipses primarily along the Aries / Libra axis, with the North Node transiting Aries and the South Node transiting Libra along with making the first transition into the Virgo/ Pisces axis. Aries is the self, the “I am” while Libra is relational, the “We are” along with making the transition into the Virgo / Pisces axis. Having personal planets in either sign denote large changes for the year following the date of the eclipses. In this session we will compare your natal chart with the eclipse charts for this current year and talk about the changes you can expect to be navigating in the year following. I find that awareness helps us to ground into the energies, move with grace and embrace what the planets are asking of us.

In this focused session, I will run your natal chart along with your progressed natal chart and we’ll talk about how the next solar and lunar eclipses will interact with your chart, what themes to expect and how to best navigate them. Eclipse energy works on us and sets the stage for phenomenal growth for 6 months (lunar) to 1 year (solar) following the alignment.

The dates for upcoming eclipses are March 25th (Lunar), April 8th (solar), September 17th/18th (lunar), October 2nd (solar) and October 17th (lunar).

Energy Exchange: $90 USD // $1000 MX residents


If you’re curious about something not listed within these sessions, perhaps a past or potential future event, your relationship with your mother, pin pointing the most aligned time to launch a project, to help plan for a move, how your energy will weave within a certain location…the possibilities are truly endless, an open consult is the best choice for you. Please pay a deposit of $100 and email me with your inquiry so I can price it according

Energy Exchange: $100 -250 USD // $1500 - $2500 MX residents



Most people today are aware of what their sun sign is, perhaps even their moon or Ascendant (rising). A natal chart reading will illuminate your cosmic blueprint beyond your luminaries. We’ll look at and talk about what your soul purpose is, the wounds you carry from past lives, which partnerships are best suited for you whether in romantic relationships or business and touch on what’s happening for you at the time of your reading given the current planetary transits at the time of our session. All sessions will be held via video call (zoom, WhatsApp) or phone call based on your preference. You will receive a copy of your natal chart emailed to you along with session notes.

Energy Exchange: $200 USD // $2500 MX residents


Feliz cumpleaños! While a natal chart reflects our cosmic blueprint at the time of our entrance onto the planet, as we grow and evolve, so too do our planetary lessons evolve as well. A solar return chart takes into account the return of the sun to the exact degree it was at when we were born, and notes the shift of all the other planets for that upcoming year. While our natal chart is our home base planetary signature, each year we are gifted a new blueprint to continue to build upon. We’ll talk about the themes coming up for you in the year ahead so you can be prepared to navigate them with grace and awareness. All sessions will be held via video call (zoom, WhatsApp) or phone call based on your preference. You will receive a copy of your solar return chart emailed to you along with session notes.

Energy Exchange: $200 USD // $2500 MX residents


In a Synastry chart we look at your chart compared with another persons and observe what they’re activating within you and what you’re activating within them. This can be in a romantic, familial or business relationship. All sessions will be held via video call (zoom, WhatsApp) or phone call based on your preference. You will receive a copy of your synastry chart along with both natal charts emailed to you along with session notes.

Energy Exchange: $300 USD // $3500 MX residents


A Composite chart is another relational chart which illustrates the third party: your relationship. Composite charts are created by calculating the midway point between your planets and someone else’s. All of our relationships have their own flavor and essence. Who you are and the energy activated in relationship with one person is not the same as with another and who you are is not the same as what the essence of the relationship is and how it exists in the world. All sessions will be held via video call (zoom, WhatsApp) or phone call based on your preference. You will receive a copy of your synastry chart along with both natal charts emailed to you along with session notes.

Energy Exchange: $200 USD // $2500 MX residents


Included in this package is both a Synastry chart and Composite chart to illuminate all aspects of your relationship: the synastry, how your planets and another activate each other along with the essence of your relationship illustrated through a Composite chart. All sessions will be held via video call (zoom, WhatsApp) or phone call based on your preference. You will receive a copy of your synastry chart along with both natal charts emailed to you along with session notes.

Energy Exchange: $400 USD // $4500 MX residents


All payments may be received by Zelle: or Cash app $risadelcorazon for the prices listed above. Payments received via PayPal on the “Shop” page will incur an extra $10 processing fee for using the service.

Alternatively, cash is also accepted in person if you are booking a reading in Chiapas. Please email me for San Cristobal pricing.

Please send your payment through either avenue above followed by an email to me (risadelcosmos @ gmail .com) expressing which service you would like along with the following details:

  • Name

  • City, State and Country of Birth

  • Time of Birth

  • Favorite Color

  • Animal you most closely resonate with

  • Any number between 1 -1000